Hi Tom!
I finally got around powering my latest KFlop and found out that Kflop keeps resetting itself,
keeping kmotion disconnected.
After a few trials I noticed that disconnecting the JP14 cable from kflop clears this persistent resetting, and
kmotion connects OK.
Looking at the kflop leds the boot seems to go ok up till the led7 on kanalog blinks once, then there is a short pause and kflop reboots.
In windows hardware the kmotion controller appears under usb controllers briefly then disappears again.
Kflop is powered by external +5VDC PSU.
On Kanalog I have connections on encoder inputs, dac's and both optos. All connections have their other end
on servo drives.
Resetting continues even after I unplugged the cables from drives.
Can you think of any reason/cause for this?